Thursday, February 13, 2014

I will...

After reflecting on the NASSP Ignite '14 conference in Dallas last week, I wanted to put out a list of commitments that I am making as an administrator.  These commitments will revolve around the need of educators to have and develop a growth mindset (instead of a fixed mindset), telling my school's story digitally, creating an environment where both students and teachers 'own' their own learning, and cultivating a culture of risk taking and excellence where failure is celebrated as a growth opportunity.

I will...

  • stop using the word CAN'T and replace it with the phrase NOT YET.
  • recognize students and teachers for taking risks and pushing through barriers.
  • reduce restrictions and create as flexible an environment as possible.
  • create mechanisms for student and staff input and recognition.
  • carry my smart phone/iPad at all times to take pictures of good things happening that need to be shared.
  • work to change adult learning from a Professional Development (PD) model to a Professional Learning (PL) model by creating flexibility for staff learning times.
  • encourage students and staff to try new things.
  • increase the use of this blog as well as other digital resources to share information with students, staff, community, and other educators.
  • work to establish an environment where IMPROVEMENT is more valuable than achievement.
  • ask students "What is the purpose of education for you?'
  • shift the focus from content to...
    • communication
    • collaboration
    • creativity
    • problem solving
    • critical thinking

Other questions I am pondering as a result of the conference:
  • What are the brilliance blockers at MHS?
  • How can we use our resources to EMPOWER our students academically and socially?
Thanks to NASSP and their presenters for challenging me in these areas.  If you're not familiar with Eric Sheninger (@NMHS_Principal), Todd Whitaker (@ToddWhitaker), Annette Breaux (@AnnetteBreaux), and Sean Cain (@LYSNation) you should check them out. 

What are your 'I will...' statements?