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Now, as a principal I don't get to have as much daily interaction with kids as I did when I was in the classroom. Part of that is my fault for not making more of an effort. Part of that is because of the other responsibilities of being a building leader. Still, every decision and/or action I take is about the kids.
Many times, I think that decisions are made in schools because something is 'streamlined' or 'efficient'. But many times, those things are not best for kids. At MHS, we are embarking on a new schedule structure next year. It is a modular schedule that is quite complex. (More info about the schedule - click here). It has taken hundreds to thousands of hours from me, my office staff, my counseling staff, and my teachers to begin to prepare for this change. We could have been more 'streamlined' or 'efficient' if we had continued with our traditional 8 period day. But I'm blessed to work in a place where the people's number one priority isn't themselves or making things operate conveniently. They believe that it is all about the kids and preparing them for THEIR future.
Why do I love being an educator? Because I get to impact kids lives every day!